Buying houses in USA

Dear Shik Muaz Alkhatib, alsalam Alikum Wa Rahmatut Allah Wa barakatuh, I am really glad to see your web site. My question to you is in the United States, where currently I am living, I found what is called Islamic Companies that would help a person to buy a house without obvious interest. When I called and spoke with them, it was clear to me that these companies will go to a bank and get the amount of money that would be sufficient to buy the house that I want to own. They will buy the house for me (from the bank money) and re-sell the house to me in a higher price because I will pay the nnew price of the house during a period of time. According to the Islamic company the contract between me and the Islamic company does ot have interest. Is uisng these companies would be Haram since I know that the money the Islamic company is using to buy the house comes from a regular bank? I appreciate your time.

Dear brother … Alsalamu A’alaekum …

what some companies do it looks for me a kind of game … and at the result it’s same.

if there is no necessity i advice you not to use both, but if you have a real necessity (you are the judje for that) i prefeer to have the money from the bank itself.

that if the company will take the money under your name and especially for you.

but if that company will take a general loan and sell the houses for people and you will pay some money for them with a confirmed time (Al Takseet) … Sure it’s petter than the loan with interest (Rebba)

and allah knows better

with best salams and wishes

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